Meet Samantha: WUMCRC’s Newest Intern

Samantha Royston, Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation’s newest community development intern is currently working on her master’s degree in Urban Planning and Real Estate Development at Saint Louis University.  Samantha is on pace to complete her master’s degree from SLU in the Spring of 2015. After attending high school at Parkway North in St. Louis, Samantha completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Iowa.

As the Community Development Intern, Samantha will be responsible for implementing the Holiday Outreach Program along with the Rebuilding Together/WUMCRC Home Repair Initiative.  Samantha will also assist with numerous other duties, such as GIS mapping and special events.

When she’s not working to better the community, Samantha enjoys sewing and even made her dress for her senior prom.




WUMCRC: “What do you think is the single most influential thing that brought you to work at WUMCRC?”

SAMANTHA: “WUMCRC has a very “homey” feeling atmosphere. You can tell when you walk through the door that everyone here enjoys what they do and they welcome new comers with open arms. I feel that I will have the opportunity to grow here and get plenty of hands on, real life experience while also being able to apply what I have learned in the classroom to real-life situations. 

WUMCRC: “What do you enjoy most about living in St. Louis?”

SAMANTHA: “I love the diversity of people here. St. Louis is a melting pot of people where different ethnicity and background make us unique. You don’t really see that in Iowa and I love that about this city.”

WUMCRC: “What is your favorite food and why?”

SAMANTHA: “Cheese Enchiladas with red sauce. They are delicious!”

Previous Gearing Up for Grove Fest 2013

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